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APPA Scholarship

Department Details

APPA $1,000 Scholarship

American Professional Practice Association, Inc. (APPA) awards scholarships of $1,000 each to students who are attending medical professionally related schools in the United States and who meet the criteria listed below. Up to 6 scholarships will be awarded each year. They are based on grade point average, extracurricular activities and a required essay.

All requested information must be received by the Scholarship Committee before your application will be considered. Be sure to complete every section of the application before submission and please print clearly. Application Deadline: July 15, 2025.

Criteria for APPA Scholarship

  • a) You must be either an APPA member whose membership is current and in good standing or a spouse or child (28 years or younger) or close relative of an APPA member whose membership is current and in good standing.
  • b) You must be enrolled or accepted for admission at one of the nation’s medical professionally related schools.
  • c) You must be able to show your grade point average (GPA) to the Scholarship Committee by emailing, faxing or mailing current educational facility-generated documents from the high school or medical related professional school you are now attending.

Applicant Information (All information will remain strictly confidential.)


  • Either 2 letters of recommendation or an essay containing 500-1,000 words explaining why you believe you'll be an excellent [Enter your Field of Study]
  • Your high school and/or college transcript. Please send grades from the semester prior to the semester for which you are applying.
  • A list of all your extracurricular activities and clubs
  • Any other information you feel is pertinent to your being considered for this scholarship.

CURRENT RECIPIENT (re-applying for scholarship) CHECKLIST:

  • Previous semester's grades.
  • A statement on your progress and any changes you might have made in your educational goals.


Awards will be sent directly to your school.

I understand that recipients of the APPA Scholar Funds may be advised to declare these proceeds based upon applicable State and Federal income tax rulings.

Scholarship applications will not be considered without the additional information listed below. Information can be emailed, faxed or mailed as attachments along with your application. If sent separately, be sure to identify each item with your name and phone number. The following are separate checklists for first-time applicants and students re-applying for the scholarship. (Please check off each item as you complete it.)

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