If you’re like millions of other people, you’ll be doing a lot of shopping this holiday season. Because the various retails stores and malls will be flooded with people, it’s important to prepare yourself ahead of time. Here are some tips to stay healthy while shopping.
Dress Comfortably
Believe or not, shopping for gifts can be quite a workout. To ensure you’re able to move freely, be sure to dress comfortably. Shoppers should be able to stride without any restrictions. Wearing the appropriate footwear is just as important. You’ll likely be doing a lot of walking on hard surfaces, which means your shoes need to provide good cushioning.
Eat a Good Breakfast
For good reason, health experts stress the importance of eating a hearty breakfast. It’s arguably the most important meal. When you’re running holiday errands, the extra energy is bound to come in handy. Furthermore, having breakfast makes you far less likely to overeat during the latter part of the day. Some of the healthiest breakfast foods include eggs, Greek yogurt, oatmeal, and berries. If you’re pressed for time, try an organic protein shake.
Prepare Your Body
Gently stretching your body is a great way to start the day. It’ll help prevent tight ligaments and muscles. Simple stretching exercises, such as toe touches and side lunges, will definitely help promote better flexibility. However, be sure to perform a brief warm-up before stretching. Remember, cold tendons are more prone to getting injured. Performing around 50 jumping jacks or jogging in place for five minutes will get your blood pumping.
Walk the Extra Distance
As you can expect, close parking spaces will be hard to find. Instead of getting stuck in the congestion, park further away. This gives you an opportunity to get in some extra exercise. Research shows taking 10,000 steps per day can help deter weight gain. It’ll also help improve your cardiovascular fitness.
Avoid Unnecessary Stress
Stress can definitely have a negative impact on your overall health. It can be physically and emotionally draining. Don’t put any unnecessary anxiety on yourself. One of the best ways to avoid shopping stress is to leave home early. This will help you to beat the crowd. While everyone else is lounging in their bed, you’ll be getting your last-minute shopping out of the way. When possible, shop for some items online.
Kills Germs
As you know, the flu season is in full effect. While you are shopping, be sure to wash your hands regularly. From doors to mall escalators, germs are a virtually everywhere. It’s always a good idea to keep a small bottle of hand sanitizer on standby. The last thing you want is to get sick around the holiday season.